I grew up knowing that I always wanted to be part of the farm. I put myself through college by running our families dairy, but upon graduation tried my hand with a career in my field of study, Human Services…but never left the farm. I was blessed to find a partner in Shawn who shared my values and desire to raise our kids here on the homestead. When Dad asked if Shawn and I would market his entirely grass based farming enterprises, I quit my full time job and Sweet Meadows was born. I have met so many wonderful people through Sweet Meadows…Customers who have become friends, and friends who have become family.

I grew up surrounded by agriculture, and decided at an early age that it was not for me. I had dreams of becoming a reconstructive surgeon or marine biologist. After two years of organic chemistry and waaaaaay more math than I thought any doctor needed to know, I left my medical dreams and started working retail. Then I met a girl. My greatest accomplishment thus far in my life is convincing Katie to marry me, and we now have three amazing children growing faster than any of the crops or animals on our farm. I know my dad gets a kick out of seeing his prodigal son, back on a farm, covered in poop and sweat, and I can’t imagine my life any other way.

The Future
It was really important to Katie and I that our children got the same amazing experience growing up on a farm that we did. The kids are a part of everything we do here on the farm. Our dream is that as they continue to grow, so does their passion for the farm and for Sweet Meadows. We have been very blessed thus far. We have jobs waiting for all of them. Free labor and an extra set of hands is a beautiful thing.